When viewing the current bids on a collection on opensea.io and pro.opensea.io pages, these do not match up. This is bad because you think you are currently the highest bidder and you are not! Ironically pro.opensea.io is lagging and can take a long time to catch up on new bids.
In addition, on opensea.io the bids in the bid list do not go down to enough decimal places. So looking at the list of bids you might think you have the highest bid whereas in fact you don't because it is not differentiating the bids in the lst by enough decimal places. As an example, opensea.io will show 2 highest bids as 1.4 ETH whereas 1 bid is at 1.4 and another is at 1.401. So they are not the same, one bid is higher than the other. Why use only 2 DPs in the main offer list when the 'volume' in the left hand sidebar, the 'Total volume' in the offer list and indeed the 'Best offer' in the header section all go down to 4 decimal places!